Home Buyer Services

Listing Notifications

new real estate listings

We send listings to you as soon as they are submitted to the MLS before they go on public sites so you can have the first opportunity to view new homes.

Save Money

best real estate deals

We fully represent you and your best interests. That means getting you the best price, making sure you have favorable terms in the contract, and ultimately saving you time and money.

Prepared Documents

real estate documents

We will prepare your sale documents and go over them with you so you can ask questions and fully understand them. We will advise you on the best course of action and follow up even after the deal is done.

No Service Fee

When working with us as buyer's agent you do not have to pay us a real estate commission. When a home is sold the seller's agent will share a portion of their commission with us, leaving you off the hook and leaving the money in your pocket.

Reasons to choose Team Bishop:

No Fees Buyers pay zero real estate commission
Save on Lawyer Fees Not only do you not pay a real estate commission, you also save on lawyer fees because we will do preliminary work that the lawyer will not have to do on your behalf.
Instant Listing Alerts You will receive listings as soon as they're submitted to the MLS® before they hit public sites
Neighbourhood Knowledge We know the area very well and we can answer any questions you may have and also give a few pointers
Market Experts We are up to date with market conditions and where the market is heading
Price Guidance Having access to previous sales data means we can help you determine how much you should offer
Experience Having over 40 years combined experience in real estate, we've seen it all and know how to advise you in any situation
Professional Network Many years in the business have helped us build professional relationships with lenders, appraisers, inspectors, lawyers, and contractors in order to serve you better
Full Representation Having someone behind you helping you make the right decisions not only relieves stress on your part but it also makes a seller less likely to over-negotiate against a third party
Negotiation Skills As experienced agents we are well-trained in the art of negotiation. We will negotiate favourable price, terms, and conditions on your behalf.
Reassurance Knowing where to double check and confirm things such as oil tank registration or apartment registration are crucial to a smooth sale
Disclosure of Information We have a duty to disclose all facts known to us about the house and will also provide a written statement from the seller about all defects of the property known to them as well.
No Surprises An experienced agent will have already thought about and dealt with possible speed bumps in the transaction so you can save on lawyer fees and have no surprises when you move in
Instant Listing Notifications
new listing notiications

Our system can notify you when a new listing is coming up on the MLS INSTANTLY, even before it hits public websites. Never miss a hot deal again. You'll be the first to know about new listings and get the first chance to view the homes you like in your area and make an offer before anyone else.

You can choose how often to receive updates:

  • Weekly
  • Daily
  • Every 12 Hours
  • Every 6 Hours
  • Instantly

You'll get to choose what type of home, price range, and a range of other search criteria so you are only receiving the homes that fit what you're looking for. You can even set up multiple searches in multiple areas.

Once you start receiving properties you can rate them and organize them or you can delete them from your list if they're not suitable. This also helps us better understand what you're looking for so we can continue sending you the best properties.

Get Started With Instant Listing Notifications

Minimum Price
Maximum Price